Predicting Through Nadi & Navamsa C S Patel Techniques Further Research

About Navamsa Chart -- Navamsa chart is an astrological chart that is used to study the nine houses (also called D9 chart) of a person's horoscope. It can be used to predict events in a person's life and can be used to find out their strengths and weaknesses. It can provide some insight into a person's life. The importance of navamsa charts depends on the individual. There are many people who use them for various purposes, such as predicting future events or finding out their strengths and weaknesses. The navamsa chart is one of the most important charts in astrology, determine the compatibility of two individuals. It has been used for centuries and it will continue to be used in the future as well. It is also used to predict their future like marriage, children, and life journey. Know About D1 to D9 Chart :- D1 chart – tells you about yourself D2 chart – Hora chart – about wealth native can get D3 chart – about siblings – about events in your brother’s & s...